Plot Notes

A personal journal, open for the world to read, recording the progress of a novice allotmenteer on his allotment.

Weed it and reap.

Saturday, 13 March 2010


The contractor is making good progress spreading the heaps of topsoil across the whole of the allotment site. We were promised an extra 4 inches of topsoil. It looks like we have got quite a lot more than that but I suppose it will settle down a bit over the next week or so.

We allotment holders cannot yet get access to our plots to do any work. The contractor is scheduled to come on site during week commencing 22nd March to install raised beds on each plot. He will require access to the plots with his machinery to fill the raised beds with soil.

I'd love to be on site now preparing my bean and potato beds and planting onions and garlic but to do so would impede the contractor and anything planted now would get crushed by tractors or the bulldozer as the site is yet to be disc harrowed and rotavated, so just a little bit more patience required.

This weekend I have got some beans to pot-on in the coldframe and I will sow a few more sprout, leek and onion seeds and maybe some lettuce/salad.


  1. It's looking good. You seem to be using the waiting time wisely, sowing and potting on, so that you're all ready to go when the time comes.

  2. Man, all that waiting has to be a downer. Plus, you'll lose all the fun of making you own beds, to say nothing of the pain from drilling through your own thumb!

  3. True, I am fed up of waiting but the contractor is doing a thorough job and it will be worth the wait (I keep telling myself). He won't be having all the fun of making raised beds either. He is only installing 3 which will take up less than 10% of the plot area so there will be plenty of space for me to build other beds and scope for injury.
