Plot Notes

A personal journal, open for the world to read, recording the progress of a novice allotmenteer on his allotment.

Weed it and reap.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Activity on other plots

After setting a few chilli pepper seeds off in the propagator this afternoon I went out for a stroll. Naturally this took me to the allotments. No sign of the topsoil and raised beds yet but there was some activity taking place on a couple of the plots. Nick (Plot 15) was glazing his new greenhouse, Chris and family (Plots 13 & 14) were laying a paved base for a shed and Rick's 14 tonnes of farmyard manure was simmering away gently on Plot 11.


  1. I would love a bit of activity but unfortunately here in sunny Scunny,there is a 3 figure waiting list for plots...oh how I envy you

  2. Sorry to hear that Zeb. That must be very frustrating. Hope you can move up the waiting list soon.
